
Range Control Object

    type: 'range',                  // String: module type
    variable: 'intensity',          // String: local variable to write input value to
    label: 'RMS/ZCR Intensity',     // String: label for control
    min: 0,                         // Number: minimum number in range
    max: 30,                        // Number: maximum number in range
    varType: 'int',                 // String: must be "int" or "float"
    step: 1                         // Number: the amount to increment on each step

Text Control Object

    type: 'text',           // String: module type
    variable: 'message',    // String: local variable to write input value to
    label: 'Message'        // String: label for control

Checkbox Control Object

    type: 'checkbox',                           // String: module type
    variable: 'soundType',                      // String: local variable to write input value to
    label: 'RMS (unchecked) / ZCR (checked)',   // String: label for control
    checked: true                               // Boolean: sets the default checked state

Palette Control Object

    type: 'palette',        // String: module type
    variable: 'colour',     // String: local variable to write input value to
    colours: [              // Array: RGB colour values (0-255) in arrays. [RED, GREEN, BLUE]
    timePeriod: 500         /* Integer: the default number of milliseconds to cycle from one
                               colour to the next */

Image Control Object

The functionality of this is set to change in modV v1.0 to make the Drag and Drop functionality Obsolete in favour of the Media Manager and profiles.

    type: 'image',                          // String: module type
    variable: 'image',                      // String: local variable to write input value to
    label: 'Drag and drop an image here'    // String: label for control

Video Control Object

The functionality of this is set to change in modV v1.0 to make the Drag and Drop functionality Obsolete in favour of the Media Manager and profiles.

    type: 'video',                          // String: module type
    variable: 'video',                      // String: local variable to write input value to
    label: 'Drag and drop a video here' // String: label for control

The functionality of this is set to change in modV v1.0 to make the Drag and Drop functionality Obsolete in favour of the Media Manager and profiles.

    type: 'multiimage',                     // String: module type
    variable: 'images',                     // String: local variable to write input value to
    label: 'Drag and drop images here'      // String: label for control

Proposed modV v1.0 Control specs

Range Control

var RangeControl = new modV.RangeControl({
    variable: 'amount',     // String: local variable to write input value to
    label: 'Amount',        // String: label for control
    varType: 'int',         // String: must be "int" or "float"
    min: 1,                 // Number: minimum number in range
    max: 50,                // Number: maximum number in range
    step: 1,                // Number: the amount to increment on each step
    default: 25             /* (optional) Number: initiates local variable within Module
                               (in this case "this.amount") */

Text Control

var TextControl = new modV.TextControl({
    variable: 'message',    // String: local variable to write input value to
    label: 'Amount',        // String: label for control
    default: 25             /* (optional) String: initiates local variable within Module
                               (in this case "this.message") */

Palette Control

var PaletteControl = new modV.PaletteControl({
    variable: 'colour',     /* String: local variable to write input value to.
                               Also initiates local variable within Module (in this case
                               "this.colour") with the first colour in the 'colours'
                               array below */

    label: 'Amount',        // String: label for control
    colours: [              // Array: RGB colour values (0-255) in arrays. [RED, GREEN, BLUE]
    timePeriod: 500         /* Integer: the default number of milliseconds to cycle from one
                               colour to the next */

Checkbox Control

var CheckboxControl = new modV.CheckboxControl({
    variable: 'fillOrLine',     // String: local variable to write input value to
    label: 'Fill/Line',         // String: label for control
    checked: true               /* (optional) Boolean: initiates local variable within Module
                                   (in this case "this.fillOrLine") */

Image Control

var ImageControl = new modV.ImageControl({
    variable: 'image',  // String: local variable to write input value to
    label: 'Image',     // String: label for control

Video Control

var VideoControl = new modV.VideoControl({
    variable: 'video',  // String: local variable to write input value to
    label: 'Video',     // String: label for control

Multi-Image Control

var MultiImageControl = new modV.MultiImageControl({
    variable: 'images',     // String: local variable to write input value to
    label: 'Images',        // String: label for control
    maxImages: 10           // Integer: maximum amount of images allowed

Select Control

var SelectControl = new modV.SelectControl({
    variable: 'option',     // String: local variable to write input value to
    label: 'Type',          // String: label for control
    options: [              // Array: strings as options
        'Type 1',
        'Type 2',
        'Type 3'

Composite Operation Control

Gives the module author the ability to allow the user to choose another blend state elswhere in their module's draw loop. The author can then use the output of this with their local variable to modify globalCompositeOperation to change the Composite Operation.


var CompositeOperationControl = new modV.CompositeOperationControl({
    variable: 'secondBlendMode',    // String: local variable to write input value to
    label: 'Blend Mode 2',          // String: label for control

Example Module.draw code (following from above):

function draw(canvas, ctx, vars) {
    ctx.fillStyle = 'green';
        canvas.width/2 - canvas.width/2,
        canvas.height/2 - canvas.height/2,

    ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = this.secondBlendMode;
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);